‘Again!’ by Arianna Benedetti on Massimo Buffetti music at the Florence Dance Festival

Again! by Arianna Benedetti on Massimo Buffetti music at marvelous Chiostro Grande in S. M. Novella for the Florence Dance Festival on 14th July 2023
‘Danzando in Chiostro Maggiore’ is the title of the 34th Florence Dance Festival, which opens on Sunday 18th June and will run until 19th July. The artistic directors, Marga Nativo and Keith Ferrone, have decided this year to make the Chiostro Grande di Santa Maria Novella the protagonist of performances of great national and international importance.
The event will be opened by Virgilio Sieni on Sunday 18th June.
The evening of Friday 14 July will be enriched by a change of styles and cultures: special guests, directly from Taiwan, the Taipei Municipal Zhong – Zheng Senior High School Dance Company with ‘Illusion in Bamboo’; the evening will end with a choreography by Arianna Benedetti, ‘Again’. The dancers Federica Cangiano, Serena Mazzitelli and Enrica Cornacchia will exhibit Benedetti’s life story through each step, facial expression and dance move. More specifically, the growth, change, emotions, experiences and unanswered questions that make up her world and define the human experience. Music by Massimo Buffetti will add dimension to the piece and allow viewers to truly understand the life of Benedetti.