‘TE SEI ME’ of Massimo Buffetti, Daniele Marchetti, Autorivari Ensemble

Gennaio 20, 2020

TE SEI ME of Massimo Buffetti, Daniele Marchetti, Autorivari Ensemble is available

‘TE’, instead of the grammatically correct ‘TU’ in the album title, emphasises the sense of the plurality of human beings with whom we are related, willingly or unwillingly, despite our essence/existence as individuals. The colloquial ‘TE’, dear to Tuscany, where it is used as a companion, but also as a necessary assonance, to remind us of the fundamental equality of the people of this earth.

Listen it here



Katja De Sarlo Soprano
Stefano Agostini Flutes
Carlo Failli Clarinet
Marco Del Cittadino Oboe
Paolo Faggi Horn
Alda Dalle Lucche, Giada Moretti Saxophone
Luca Guidi Guitar (in 9.)
Silvano Mazzoni Guitar (in 13.)
Massimo Buffetti Piano (in 1., 2., 6., 7., 9., 11., 14., 15.)
Daniele Marchetti Piano (in 3., 4., 5., 8., 10., 12., 16.)
Miriam Sadun (Solo part in 6.) e Riccardo Capanni (solo part in 2.) Violins
Martina Chiarugi Viola
Giuditta Ara (solo part in 4.) Cello

2019 © Spring Art Development®

Published On: Gennaio 20, 2020Categories: Uncategorized148 wordsViews: 16