Notte densa
Mercanti e Amanti
Recitativo e Pastorale
Premiered in Italy, France and USA
Le scelte di Re Lear | Interensemble quintet
- Bergamo, Chiesa di S. Agostino, June 28, 2003
- Padova, Sala dei Giganti al Liviano, December 7, 2002
- Boston, MIT Faculty, October 19, 2002
- Amherst, University of Massachusetts, October 17, 2002
- New York City, Musical Sarah Lawrence, October 16, 2002
- New York, N. Y University, October 14, 2002
Notte densa | Dominique Collin and Aline Bartissol
- Parigi, Auditorium Gabriel Faure, January 17, 1998 – Tribute to Erik Satie
Notte densa | Michele Santi and Barbara Borghi
- Ferrara, Ridotto of Teatro Comunale, May 7, 1994