‘Round Shakespeare

CD 2022 | Quartetto Atmos Lucca 2021 | Interensemble USA Tour 2002 | D. Collin A.Bartissol Paris 1998 | M. Santi B. Borghi Ferrara 1994

Six compositions of original music inspired by the works of the great playwright and a tribute to Maestro Carlo Prosperi.

‘Round Shakespeare, by Massimo Buffetti, brings together six pieces based on the same number of Shakespearian plays, namely, Othello, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear and The Taming of the Shrew.
The theme of ‘time’ is the fil rouge that connects all the compositions: both the ancient and the modern, of the two artistic expressions that go hand in hand (Shakespearian dramaturgy and the musical work of Massimo Buffetti); the young people of ‘yesterday’, i.e., the students of the Frescobaldi Conservatory of Ferrara who performed the scores of the pieces for the first time, and the young people of ‘today’, i.e., those who completed the recordings for the disc (among them also the students of the Fiesole School of Music, Edoardo Rosadini conducting). Finally, time as topicality in the reference of Notte Densa to the memory of the RAI journalists who died in Mostar in 1994, and time as imperishable memory, in the tribute to Carlo Prosperi, that metaphorically sanctions the closing of Buffetti’s new work.

Notte densa

Mercanti e Amanti


Recitativo e Pastorale

Premiered in Italy, France and USA

Le scelte di Re Lear | Interensemble quintet

  • Bergamo, Chiesa di S. Agostino, June 28, 2003
  • Padova, Sala dei Giganti al Liviano, December 7, 2002
  • Boston, MIT Faculty, October 19, 2002
  • Amherst, University of Massachusetts, October 17, 2002
  • New York City, Musical Sarah Lawrence, October 16, 2002
  • New York, N. Y University, October 14, 2002

Notte densa | Dominique Collin and Aline Bartissol

  • Parigi, Auditorium Gabriel Faure,  January 17, 1998 – Tribute to Erik Satie

Notte densa | Michele Santi and Barbara Borghi

  • Ferrara, Ridotto of Teatro Comunale, May 7, 1994